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Categories : beverages, Recipes

A gorgeous, vibrant pink lemonade, with the earthy tones of beetroot and the zing of fresh ginger. A showstopper of a homemade lemonade, and truly delicious to boot.

Homemade Pink Lemonade with Beetroot and Ginger www.thefoodiecorner.gr Photo description: An overhead view of the jug of lemonade on the wooden box. To it’s left, a glass bottle of water and a couple of beer bottles. Half visible is a bowl of strawberries.

If you saw my last but one post, the lemon curd and mascarpone cheesecake, you probably saw this jug of pink deliciousness sitting by its side. Did you wonder what it is? It’s homemade lemonade, but its pinkness doesn’t come from strawberries, or any berries for that matter. It comes from beetroot!

Homemade Pink Lemonade with Beetroot and Ginger www.thefoodiecorner.gr Photo description: A wooden box (at a distance) in a very green lush field. On the box is a cheesecake and a jug of lemonade. A white linen napkin is draped over one corner. In the background are some dry tree branches and some yellow flowers.

By now you know I love beetroot. So I really wanted to try it in a drink. This combo of lemon juice, sugar, beetroot and fresh ginger is just plain gorgeous, to look at and to taste. It’s super refreshing and thirst quenching, but it will also make heads turn if you put it in a pretty jug and pop it on your BBQ buffet or picnic blanket.

Homemade Pink Lemonade with Beetroot and Ginger www.thefoodiecorner.gr Photo description: A table and two chairs set in a green field with grass and flowers. On the table are a jug of lemonade, a big bowl of salad and a cheesecake. In front of the table on the ground are a picnic basket with a fedora hat on it, a wire basket with some oranges and lemons, and a wooden box with a bowl of strawberries on it. In the background are an orange tree and some olive trees.

My goal for this weekend is to pick the last of my lemons (or some of them) and squeeze them up for lemonade. Definitely this pink one, and maybe the earl grey version from this post too.

Homemade Pink Lemonade with Beetroot and Ginger www.thefoodiecorner.gr Photo description: The jug of lemonade on the wooden box. To it’s left, a stack of small empty plates and some cutlery right beside it.

What’s you favourite lemonade made with?


240ml (1 cup) water

250gr (1 cup) sugar

50gr beetroot, raw, chopped

4gr ginger, fresh, peeled

240ml (1 cup) lemon juice, freshly squeezed

Step 1

Bring the water and sugar to the boil in a small saucepan and let it bubble for a few minutes until the sugar dissolves completely. Set aside to cool.

Step 2

Put the beetroot and ginger in a small food processor and chop very finely. Add about half the lemon juice (or less if your container is small – it overflows easily) and whiz until smooth.

Step 3

Plop the beetroot mixture onto a cheesecloth/tulle lined colander or fine mesh sieve and press the dark pink juice out over a bowl, using the back of a spoon. You should end up with just dry fiber in the cheesecloth. Combine the pink juice with the rest of the lemon juice.

Step 4

Transfer the cool syrup to a bottle or container with a lid, add the lemon and beet mixture, and shake to incorporate.

Step 5

To serve, dilute one part concentrated juice with two parts cold water (or to taste, taking into consideration any ice cubes you might be using). Garnish with slices of lemon, berries, mint or anything else you fancy.

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So, what do you think? Leave me a comment!


  • Reply

    Hi! This looks so good! Can’t wait to fix it.

    I do have a question. I live in the United States & for measuring we use: tsp (abreviation for teaspoons), TBSP (abreviation for tablespoons), cups, ounces, fluid ounces, pints, quarts, gallons & bushels.

    I do not have a food scale to measure foods & ingredients & was wondering if you could please add the American measurements to your recipes (especially for the grams)?

    Speaking of grams. What is the American measurement for this recipe?

    Thank you for your recipes!

    • Reply

      Hi Susan! Thank you so much for visiting my blog, I’m glad you like the look of this recipe. It’s quite delicious and so pretty too. I use weight measurements because I feel they are more accurate. Measuring things like chopped vegetables in cups can be tricky, as it depends largely on how each of us interpret things like “finely chopped”, “small cubes” etc. I understand however that it can be frustrating when you don’t have weighing scales. I don’t know the volume measurements for this recipe off the top of my head, but I will re-measure the first chance I get and revert with more info. Is that all right with you? Thank you so much again for visiting!

  • Reply

    Hi, Eleni! Thank you for explaining!

    I understand, how how that can make a difference. Some Amish recipes will say 1 inch in size. Like those kind.

    I wouldn’t be making this until Spring arrives in March, so that would be fine. Thanks again!