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Deliciously tangy and refreshing lemonade combined with the earthy goodness of matcha. A thirst quencher ideal for the warmer spring days ahead.

Easy Homemade Matcha Lemonade www.thefoodiecorner.gr Photo description: A string bag with lemons and limes spilling out. To the side of it a bunch of spearmint. To the top of the photo is a packet of Piura matcha and a sharp knife.

Matcha. The mother of all green teas as I recently saw it called. I’m sure you’ve heard of it, I’m pretty sure you’ve tasted it – if not in tea form then in a smoothie, brownie, ice cream, cheesecake… the list of matcha creations is quite long nowadays!

Easy Homemade Matcha Lemonade www.thefoodiecorner.gr Photo description: Some juiced lemon halves, a wooden juicer, a knife, two tiny bowls of matcha, a bunch of spearmint, a glass jar of lemonade concentrate and a small jug of simple syrup, all laid out on a grey surface. Barely visible in the bottom corner is a string bag with lemons and limes.

The information available on matcha is also in abundance on the internet. I won’t go into great detail about its health properties as I believe it’s not my place as a food blogger, however, this blog post wouldn’t be complete without a quick reference to some of them.

Consumption of green tea has been linked to improved brain function, relaxation, heart health, liver health, weight loss… it’s even believed it may help prevent cancer. Pretty serious claims aren’t they? If you’d like to know more I suggest you do some research and make sure to find reputable sites that base their info on science and include references and links to trusted sources.

Easy Homemade Matcha Lemonade www.thefoodiecorner.gr Photo description: A side view of a surface with lemonade making items. Squeezed lemon halves, a glass jar with lemonade concentrate, two tiny bowls of matcha powder, a small jug of simple syrup and a packet of Piura matcha in the background.

So what is the difference between matcha and green tea? Matcha is a powder made from the whole leaf of the tea plant, thus you consume the whole leaf rather than steeping it in hot water and throwing it out as you would with other green teas. Some say that consuming the leaf means you’re getting more of the good stuff.

Easy Homemade Matcha Lemonade www.thefoodiecorner.gr Photo description: A top-down view of a surface with lemonade making items. Squeezed lemon halves, a glass jar with lemonade concentrate, two tiny bowls of matcha powder, a small jug of simple syrup, a knife and wooden juicer, and a ceramic bowl of prepared matcha tea. In the bottom corner are some lemons and limes.

That’s all very well but – moving into food blogger territory – what about the flavour? Matcha has a distinctive flavour, you have to give it time to grow on you. For some it’s love at first sip, but for many it’s not. If your first try is from a straight-up cup of plain warm matcha there is a possibility you will think it’s not for you. Hold on though, not so fast. If all the hype is indeed true, it’s worth experimenting until you find what you like.

Easy Homemade Matcha Lemonade www.thefoodiecorner.gr Photo description: A 3/4 view of six glasses of matcha lemonade, their two layers visible (lemonade at the bottom and matcha sitting on top). To the side are a dish of cut lemons and limes, a ceramic jug of prepared matcha, some spearmint barely visible and a glass jar of lemonade concentrate in the background.

If you ask me what my favourite way to drink matcha is, I will say “err, not plain!” I do like a cup of warm matcha with oat milk, and I do like it in cold latte form with some sweetener like honey, coconut sugar, agave syrup, powdered honey etc (see notes). I have a friend who just mixes a teaspoon in cold water and enjoys it throughout the day. That isn’t for me yet. It may grow on me enough to do that eventually, it may not. But that’s fine because there are so many different drinks you can make with matcha you don’t need to force yourself to drink something you’re not crazy about.

Easy Homemade Matcha Lemonade www.thefoodiecorner.gr Photo description: A close up view of some glasses of matcha lemonade, their two layers visible (lemonade at the bottom and matcha sitting on top). The drinks are garnished with small wedges of lemon and lime and some spearmint leaves.

While we’re on the subject of flavour, there is something quite important to keep in mind when selecting your matcha. Its quality makes a big difference. First of all, there are two main grades of matcha. Culinary (best reserved for baking, smoothies etc) and ceremonial. Ceremonial grade is the one you want in order to enjoy a good cup of tea. Also, you’re consuming the whole leaf so it wouldn’t be a bad idea to choose organic. I use Piura organic ceremonial matcha by Ol-eve. It’s made in Japan (the homeland of matcha) and ticks both these boxes. I was particularly excited to be tasked with creating a delicious recipe with it.

Easy Homemade Matcha Lemonade www.thefoodiecorner.gr Photo description: A 3/4 view of three glasses of matcha lemonade, their two layers visible (lemonade at the bottom and matcha sitting on top). Behind them are a jug of matcha, a jar of lemonade concentrate and a packet of Piura matcha powder.

And delicious is definitely what this lemonade is. Even if you aren’t a fan of matcha, please give this a try. The tangy lemonade and the earthy tea make such a good pair! Even before I tried it the first time, I knew I would like this. Probably because I love beetroot lemonade (check it out here) which also has earthy tones. Lemonade is one of my most favourite drinks anyway (here are four more I made!), so going down this road was a no brainer. I am so glad I did. This is a new favourite.

It packs all the gorgeousness of homemade lemonade plus the grassy but discreet tones of matcha, and it delivers a lovely boost as a bonus. Not to mention how pretty it looks with the two layers! (See instructions below for how to do that). A perfect thirst quencher for the warm spring days that are coming to our part of the world.

Easy Homemade Matcha Lemonade www.thefoodiecorner.gr Photo description: A 3/4 view of three glasses of matcha lemonade, their two layers visible (lemonade at the bottom and matcha sitting on top). In front of them are some small wedges of lemon and lime. Behind them is a jar of lemonade concentrate.

You can order Piura Organic Ceremonial Matcha from the Ol-eve eshop website.

Easy Homemade Matcha Lemonade www.thefoodiecorner.gr Photo description: A close up, back lit view of three glasses of matcha lemonade, their two layers visible (lemonade at the bottom and matcha sitting on top).


120 ml (1/2 cup) white sugar (or alternative sweetener, see notes)

120 ml (1/2 cup) boiling water

120 ml (1/2 cup) lemon juice, freshly squeezed

240 ml (1 cup) cold water

1 tsp Piura Organic Ceremonial Matcha by Ol-eve

ice to serve

pieces of lemon or lime to garnish

spearmint leaves to garnish

more cold water to serve, if required (see steps below)

Step 1

Put the sugar in a jug and add the boiling water. Stir until the sugar dissolves and set it aside to cool.

Step 2

When the syrup has cooled, add the lemon juice and stir. This is our lemonade concentrate.

Step 3

Pour the cold water into a clean jam jar with a tight fitting lid and add the matcha powder (don’t put the matcha in first as it might get lumpy). Pop the lid on and shake vigorously until fully incorporated.

Step 4

To serve, pour one part (1/4 cup) lemonade concentrate into a glass, add plenty of ice and then slowly pour one part (1/4 cup) prepared matcha tea over the ice. The matcha will create a layer on top of the lemonade! (FYI it won’t do this without the ice!) Garnish and enjoy.

Step 5

Alternative #1:
The above ratio is what I like; I don’t add more water, but keep in mind I like a strong lemonade. If it’s too sour/strong for you add some water until you find the ideal ratio for your taste. Don’t forget the ice will further dilute the drink as it melts.

Step 6

Alternative #2:
If you don’t want to use ice then use one part lemonade concentrate, one part matcha, one part water (so 1/4 cup lemonade concentrate, 1/4 cup prepared matcha tea, 1/4 cup cold water).

Step 7

Alternative #3: If you’re not sure you will like the matcha addition, go for one part lemonade concentrate, ice, half a part matcha tea, half a part water (so 1/4 cup lemonade concentrate, ice, 2 Tbs prepared matcha tea, 2 Tbs cold water).

Step 8

(And don’t ever say my instructions aren’t detailed enough, hahahah!)

-Ol-eve has several super sugar alternatives (see here and here) waiting for you to experiment with! Try making the lemonade with honey, coconut sugar, maple sugar or even agave syrup. Base your amounts on the stated equivalent to white sugar and adjust if/as needed.

-This sponsored post was created in partnership with Ol-eve. All opinions are my own.

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