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One of my all time favourite potato salads. Whole baby potatoes, flaky smoked trout, gherkins (pickled cucumbers) and a dressing made with tartare sauce and lemon. Just a few ingredients but so many flavours.

Potato Salad with Smoked Trout and a Tangy Tartare Dressing www.thefoodiecorner.gr Photo description: A marble chopping board in the centre of the photo, with flaked smoked trout on it and some gherkins. Hands are reaching in and cutting a gherkin on the board. To the top left a salad bowl with cooked baby potatoes, to the top right some lemon wedges, a bowl of dressing and a smaller bowl with extra tartare sauce. In the bottom left corner a half peeled egg. Everything is on a marble surface.

Well hello there! I’m back. I’ve been away. You kinda knew that though, right? Well, I’d love to say I was on a total break, a holiday, far away on a tropical beach with a pina colada in hand, or something like that. But no, I meant I’ve been away from the blog.

It wasn’t planned. It started with the horrible fire we had close to our area. Although it never reached where I live, and I wasn’t directly affected, for a long while I just didn’t feel like doing much of anything. This post was meant to be published the next day, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. Even now, when I drive to the city and pass the blackened empty space the flames left behind, the burnt bus stops and gnarled tree stumps, I can’t quite believe it. So many lives lost, so many homes destroyed. It’s too horrible to even think about.

So this is where I stop talking about it. Anyway, after things started feeling a little normal again, it was time to get stuck into a project I had waiting for me. I’ll tell you all about it at a later stage, but suffice it to say it took up a lot of my time! So that explains my too-long absence.

Potato Salad with Smoked Trout and a Tangy Tartare Dressing www.thefoodiecorner.gr Photo description: A close view of a salad bowl with potato salad. To one side of the salad are two halves of a boiled egg with dressing drizzled over the top.

Anyway, what about this salad?

Do you like potato salad? I adore it. Most versions of it. I think the only time I wouldn’t have potato salad is if it had olives in it (I hate them).

This version has smoked trout. And a tartar sauce dressing. It’s definitely one of my favourites, if not THE favourite. Basically it’s a tie between this one and this baked one. I can’t decide which is best.

Btw, the baby potatoes are also delicious cooked in the slow cooker; they turn out almost like baked potatoes in flavour. You just pop them in the pot (without cutting them), and cook without any liquid until a knife glides easily into the largest one (5-7 hours depending on quantity of potatoes and size of pot). Whichever way you choose to make them, just make sure to leave the skins on, they are so tasty!

I hope you give it a go. Let me know what you think if you do!

Potato Salad with Smoked Trout and a Tangy Tartare Dressing www.thefoodiecorner.gr Photo description: The salad in a bowl. To the left a linen napkin arranged along the edge of the frame. To the bottom right a small empty bowl with the remains of the dressing and a spoon to its side.


500gr baby potatoes, skin on, scrubbed (larger ones halved)

3 Tbs olive oil

2 Tbs tartare sauce

2 Tbs lemon juice, freshly squeezed

1/4 tsp salt

1/4 tsp black pepper, freshly ground

1/8 tsp paprika, sweet

35-40gr gherkins (small pickled cucumbers), roughly chopped

180-200gr smoked trout, torn into large pieces

1-2 hard boiled eggs (optional but suit the salad well)

Step 1

Boil the potatoes in plenty of salted water for about 15 minutes or until easily pierced with a knife. Drain and set aside to cool slightly. How long you leave them will depend on how you want to serve the salad, warm or cold.

Step 2

In a clean jam jar combine the olive oil, tartare sauce, lemon juice, salt, black pepper and paprika. Put the lid on and shake vigorously until the dressing is smooth.

Step 3

In a salad bowl combine the potatoes and gherkins, then gently mix in the tartare dressing. Finally fold in the trout thoroughly but carefully, so as not to break up the pieces too much.

Step 4

Serve warm or cold, with a boiled egg or two if you like.

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