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A super flavourful dish with roast Brussels sprouts, wine soaked shiitake mushrooms, toasted pine nuts, pangrattato (fried breadcrumbs) and pomegranate, all mixed up with whole wheat pasta. A festive yet sensible meal, perfect for getting into the Christmas mood while staying on the healthy and light side (as long as you don’t overdo it with the breadcrumb thing...).

This is delicious. It’s full of flavour and savoury goodness.

Pasta with Balsamic Roasted Brussels Sprouts and Shiitake Mushrooms (Vegan) www.thefoodiecorner.gr Photo description: A closer look at one of the plates of pasta. Among the penne are Brussels sprouts, pieces of mushroom and pomegranate arils. Barely visible to the top of the photo is the bowl with fried breadcrumbs.

Brussels sprouts. Have you tried them roasted? You must. With balsamic vinegar. Yum.

Pasta with Balsamic Roasted Brussels Sprouts and Shiitake Mushrooms (Vegan) www.thefoodiecorner.gr Photo description: To the left of the photo some broken pieces of pomegranate, and a whole one at the top. Scattered amongst them are some pieces of dried pasta and some dried mushrooms. To the right are Brussels sprouts leaves and a small knife. To the bottom of the picture a broken head of garlic.

Shiitake mushrooms. Where have you been all my life? I think I’ve tried them before, but I’ve only just realised I’m in love with them. Soaked in wine of course.

Pasta with Balsamic Roasted Brussels Sprouts and Shiitake Mushrooms (Vegan) www.thefoodiecorner.gr Photo description: A closer look at one of the plates of pasta. It is placed on a metal, rusty coloured surface. To its left on the wooden surface, two short glasses of white wine.

So they came together in a pasta dish and it was gorgeous. Then I couldn’t leave things alone and I made a pangrattato to go with. Pangrattato is my new favourite word. And pasta topping. It’s fried bread you guys.

Pasta with Balsamic Roasted Brussels Sprouts and Shiitake Mushrooms (Vegan) www.thefoodiecorner.gr Photo description: Two plates of pasta, the one on the left half visible. The one on the right is on a rusty metal surface together with one whole pomegranate and a broken piece of another, a tiny bowl of salt and a wooden bowl of breadcrumbs. To the bottom left on the wooden surface are two glasses of wine.

Pine nuts? Check. Toast them lightly and throw them in because they make everything better.

Pasta with Balsamic Roasted Brussels Sprouts and Shiitake Mushrooms (Vegan) www.thefoodiecorner.gr Photo description: A side view of a plate of pasta, dotted with Brussels sprouts and mushrooms, and sprinkled with pomegranate arils. In the dark background barely visible are the second plate, two glasses of wine and the whole pomegranate.

Finally, pomegranate. Can I confess something? I needed it for the colour. It goes, it tastes nice, but it’s not vital. If you’re taking a photo of your dish, sprinkle some on it. Otherwise you won’t miss it, lovely as it is. There, full disclosure!

Pasta with Balsamic Roasted Brussels Sprouts and Shiitake Mushrooms (Vegan) www.thefoodiecorner.gr Photo description: One plate of pasta on a rusty metal surface. To the top, broken piece of pomegranate, a tiny bowl of salt and a wooden bowl with pangrattato.

I’ll be off now, I have a bowlful waiting for me.


50gr dried shiitake mushrooms

1 ½ cups (360ml) white wine, warmed up

1 kilogram Brussels sprouts, cleaned

4 garlic cloves, whole, peeled

4 + 2 Tbs olive oil

4 Tbs balsamic vinegar

1 ½ tsp thyme

1 tsp salt

1/2 tsp black pepper, freshly cracked

1 Tbs honey or agave syrup for vegan

500gr whole wheat penne (or other short pasta)

3-4 Tbs pine nuts

1/2 – 1 pomegranate, the arils (optional)

For the pangrattato (fried bread crumbs)

1 cup (240ml) breadcrumbs (from about two large pieces of sliced bread, slightly stale/dry. I used multigrain.)

3 Tbs olive oil

1 Tbs balsamic vinegar

1 tsp salt

1/2 tsp black pepper, freshly cracked

Step 1

Pop the mushrooms and warm wine in a little bowl and let them soak for about 30 minutes to an hour, until they plump up and soften right down to the centre of the stalk.

Step 2

Halve the Brussels sprouts and put them in a baking dish. You want them comfortable, not squished, but not too far apart. Add the garlic cloves.

Step 3

Holding each mushroom over the bowl (to catch the drips) snip them with scissors into medium sized pieces. Don’t squeeze them. Scatter them around in the dish with the Brussels. Filter the wine (which will now be brown) through a fine mesh sieve, some muslin or a coffee filter. Add the honey or agave, stir well to incorporate and set aside.

Step 4

Drizzle the Brussels and the mushrooms with 4 Tbs olive oil and the balsamic vinegar, and sprinkle with salt, pepper and thyme. Mix with your hands and roast in a preheated oven at 180C fan assisted (200C conventional) for about 25 to 30 minutes or until the Brussels are tender (they might be charred in spots, this is ok).

Step 5

Meanwhile, cook the pasta according to the instructions and time it so it’s ready with the Brussels.

Step 6

While the pasta is boiling mix the pangrattato ingredients in a small bowl. Put them into a small frying pan and heat over medium high. Stir continuously with a wooden spoon until you feel that the crumbs are toasted and crunchy. Be careful because the balsamic will colour the mixture and you won’t be able to easily see if it catches. Transfer to a bowl lined with kitchen paper.

Step 7

Wipe the pan and put it back on the heat with the pine nuts. The pan will be warm so don’t take your eyes off it. When the nuts start to smell nice and get some colour, take them off the heat and transfer to a bowl. (Don’t leave in the pan as they will continue to cook and might burn)

Step 8

When the Brussels are ready take the hot dish out of the oven and immediately pour the wine in to sizzle. Find the garlic and mash it with a fork.

Step 9

Using a slotted spoon transfer the pasta (letting it take some of its water with it) to the dish. Add 2 Tbs olive oil and toss well. Serve immediately with a sprinkle of pine nuts, pangrattato and pomegranate if using.

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