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4 ratings, avg : 5.00

Categories : Westley @en

You’ve already read about him, it’s time to meet him! This is Westley Theodore.

He is our new puppy. He is the new master of this house, and the new master of the universe. Our universe at least. It’s been 3 weeks since he came to his new home. You know how they say a child changes everything? So does a puppy. Not only the practical things, like having to put carpets down in the middle of a hot Greek summer (tiles are too slippery for his developing bones), or having to pry his teeth off marble steps, skirting tiles, metal chair legs, cushions, curtains… the list goes on. It also wreaks havoc with your emotions. I more or less spent the first ten days crying, anxious that my puppy won’t be happy, or that I won’t be able to train him properly, or that I’ll make some sort of serious mistake somewhere down the line. Well I’ve calmed down now, which is a good thing since the Mister was about to pack his bags…

Westley is a gem. At just 13 weeks he is now house trained, he sleeps through the night and he will happily stay in his crate when he needs some down time. He learnt a lot the first few weeks of his little life because he spent them with his mum, which is really important for pups. It also helps that he is a genius. Definitely the smartest dog in the world. And the handsomest. In the whole wide world.

So there we are. My gorgeous puppy. You should see him when he is dreaming and his little legs move as if he’s running in a field. Or when he tilts his head and looks at me when it’s dinner time. Or when I wake up and find him sitting there, looking me in the eye as if to say come on woman I need a pee I love you mummy!

Right, we’re off for walkies on the beach now. Time to eat some more stones.

4 ratings, avg : 5.00

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