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Slow Cooker
Slow Cooker

What’s this you ask? It’s an electrical appliance that cooks on a low heat for long periods of time, creating delicious and healthy food that awaits us upon our return home!

The slow cooker consists of a base with built-in heating elements, into which you place a stoneware pot with a glass lid. The base heats up the contents of the pot, and the food inside cooks slowly. The appliance works independently, with its own plug, so there is no need to use the oven. The big advantage? It doesn’t need supervision while in use! What can we make? Pretty much anything, from fall-apart chicken, delicious soups and tasty pulses, to moist cakes, rice pudding and jam. Here in the Slow Cooker Corner, you will find recipes specially adapted for cooking in the slow cooker.

Slow Cooker